Brand: SterileFlat
Product Code: SF09-02
Availability: In Stock

Price: $110.00

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SterileFLAT Keyboards are an invaluable tool in reducing the risk of cross infection in any medical environment. Shared keyboards can become potential breeding grounds for Healthcare associated infections (HAI). Infections that are acquired in hospitals or as a result of healthcare interventions.  SterileFlat Keyboards offer a conventional style keyboard with Nano Silver impregnated antibacterial silicone latex free membrane barrier which can be used in all areas of clinical and medical environments. They can be regularly washed with a recognized antibacterial or alcohol based cleaning agent every day, thus reducing the spread of MRSA, C. dif, Norovirus, E. coli, Salmonella and Airborne Viruses.

Combining the SterileFlat Antibacterial Keyboard with the SterileMOUSE-LASER Antibacterial Mouse provides a complete data entry system.