
About OmniData Services

ODS: A Houston Based Company Providing World-Class Printer Sales and Service in the Americas

Since 1990, OmniData Services has dedicated itself to providing the best value in Hardware Sales, Managed Services, Depot Repair to clients in the United States, Canada, Mexico and worldwide.

Started as a family business, OmniData Services now counts on a highly skilled team at its Houston headquarters as well as an extended team of partners throughout the hemisphere. Over the years we have progressively expanded our product and services to include:

  • Managed Services
    OmniData Services is an Authorized Service Provider for selected manufacturers in the Americas for which we provide in and out of warranty repairs on their behalf. In addition, we are currently fulfilling several key Desktop Service Agreements in both North and South America for several multinationals, including System Integrators, Service Providers and end users. Our long standing experience in the IT industry has enabled us to acquire a powerful insight to the types of services our clients are looking for in the 21st century. 

  • Depot Repair
    It is in the area of repair and refurbishment that ODS stands out from our competitors. Our main objective is to extend the useful life of your existing hardware and secure a better ROI. Our cleaning and custom paint process, as well as our testing processes and frequently updated knowledge base, ensure the best possible results.

  • Hardware Sales
    OmniData Services has a large stock of computer and printing equipment used in several different industries. In the event we do not have the equipment or part, we will know where to procure one. Whether you need a whole printer, hard-to-find spare parts or brand-new consumables, OmniData Services can be your one stop shop for IT products.

Why you should entrust ODS with your hardware repair and services

OmniData Services has taken the steps to ensure it is providing the highest quality service possible to its growing clientele. Our clients can be assured that we have the proper processes and procedures in place to achieve the desired result, on budget and on time.